For easy accessibility, typical houses are situated in the low-lying subdivisions and town which are now unfortunately prone to flooding. The nearest to city the better. But ideally, some of us want to settle far from urban life. You’ve been working all your life 50 plus hours a week in a crowded box of rat racers and sometimes in your idle time you dream of someday owning a house on top of a hill or at the middle of a ranch that will rejuvenate your tired bodies from years of hard works and pollutions.

How about those people who can’t afford me? If only I can persuade my bosses to open the place for public viewing, I would only be too happy to share my place to them. But I have a suggestion. How about putting up commercial establishments here? Like mini hotel, restaurant and spa. Eych shared this idea to me couple of weeks ago and I like it. The more people will come here, the more they will appreciate this place.

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